Friday, September 30, 2005

3rd Class back and Bikram Yoga is doing its stuff!

I can't say it hasn't hurt a little and it has certainly forced me to re-focus at times and be strong with my self talk - but ... 3rd class back tonight and I can feel my body starting to groan less and open up more. Almost no trembling tonight either.
Today it was all about the adductor muscles (causing tight inner thighs/legs and hips), those warrior poses really testing my mettle. Triangle, formerly one of my more powerful and 'easy' Bikram Yoga Poses, was sooo hard tonight. The antidote? Breathe, breathe, breathe, long slow and deep in and out through the nose. (Thanks to tonight's teacher, Steve, I was properly reminded of this at exactly the right moment.)
I lost concentration tonight too a couple of times - one time it was OK, seemingly meditating during Pavanamuktasana (Wind Removing Pose) and didn't even notice myself doing the postures (or the aches and stiffness still in my hip flexors!). The other time it was in Dandayamana Dhanurasana (Standing Bow) where my head just went somewhere else, so of course I lost balance!
It was good tonight though after only the third class to notice muscles regaining definition and some feeling of 'practicing Bikram Yoga' rather than just doing some hard physical exercise. And hey, I got to lock out both legs in Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Janushirasana (Standing Separate Leg Head To Knee), so something is loosening up in my hamstrings (typically always tight in males).
There is no doubt though for me, this is one of the best simultaneous work-outs your body and mind can get.
Robert Scanlon


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